
3 lessons and tips about pakihi finances

3 lessons and tips about pakihi finances

How will you pay yourself taxes, save or invest money, and manage business and everyday expenses? Read about the 3 biggest lessons I have learnt when managing my business finances, and...

3 lessons and tips about pakihi finances

How will you pay yourself taxes, save or invest money, and manage business and everyday expenses? Read about the 3 biggest lessons I have learnt when managing my business finances, and...

Waiapu Road Products - Dress, Mugs, Iwi Earrings and Potae.

The Journey of Waiapu Road.

I have always been proud of where I come from. Waiapu road is where I grew up, a road nestled in Te Tairāwhiti. The place that made me who I...

The Journey of Waiapu Road.

I have always been proud of where I come from. Waiapu road is where I grew up, a road nestled in Te Tairāwhiti. The place that made me who I...

The year that was 2022

The year that was 2022

It’s been a huge year for our whānau. We started the year finding out we were hapū with pēpi number four. We travelled to Australia to see my mum who...

The year that was 2022

It’s been a huge year for our whānau. We started the year finding out we were hapū with pēpi number four. We travelled to Australia to see my mum who...