Juggling the responsibilities of motherhood and running a successful business can be overwhelming. Finding the perfect work-life balance can feel impossible. As a mum and business owner, I understand the struggles of balancing family and business life.
I used to wake up at 4 am to go to the gym; that sounds ridiculous now, lol, but routine is my best friend. Waking at that time was the only way I could fit everything in.
When I first started Waiapu Road, I worked full-time as a career advisor and guidance counsellor. We had 3 tamariki at the time, and I was also studying. I would go to the gym, shower, get all the kids ready, do school drops, go to work, and then I would work for Waiapu Road in the evenings. It was hectic, as you can imagine.
The following year Waiapu Road grew, so I reduced my days at work to 3 days a week and had 2 days for Waiapu Road. I was studying reo and psychology, and we filmed part 2 of our reality documentary with Māori TV, which meant we had a film crew following us everywhere for 1-2 weeks at a time.
As Waiapu Road has grown, I've needed more time for most things, which meant constantly editing our schedules and looking at how and where I worked. So, here are 3 ways I create work-life balance.
The Waiapu Road Warehouse.
Working from home worked for me in more ways than it didn't. It was very convenient to go into our garage and work, especially while pregnant or if the kids were sick at home. It was handy having everything I needed right there.
What I didn't like about working from home was being constantly interrupted by my whānau. There were a lot of stops and starts to my working day. And what I didn't like the most was that there was no clear separation between work and home. I felt like I was always working but not working enough at the same time. I think it was more a mental thing, if anything.
Having the warehouse is exciting because I can have a clear boundary between work and home. I knew I needed space when my stock took over the entire house. There were just boxes everywhere! I've needed a workspace for at least 2 years, but our priority was purchasing our home. Now that that's done, the warehouse has come at the perfect time.
I've been looking at leases while I've needed the extra space, and none ever worked. I knew it would come when I was meant to have it, and it did. I walked into it and knew it was the one! And I walked out of it knowing I would get it, and I did.
Support with our Tamariki.
I've recently put our 6 month old into daycare for 2 days a week. It allows me to go to work and work uninterrupted. I enjoy it. Communication is key for me. When I need help, I ask for it. If I need a rest, I tell my husband, and he takes the kids.
Reward myself.
I reward my hard work with time. But, on the other hand, I have such a loud and busy life that I appreciate peace and quiet, so that's what I search for to balance it all out. I schedule in time to get my nails and my hair done, go to F45, and have a date night with my husband.
I'm still trying to figure this work-life balance stuff out myself, to be honest, haha. I struggle without routine. Our days are never smooth or cohesive, but they're manageable.
We try our best as a big whānau to have a good morning routine. Ka ū te ata ka mau te rā! Win the morning, win the day!
If you struggle to achieve a healthy work-life balance; evaluate your situation, look at what support you need, and make changes that suit your family best. It may take a few attempts, and it may change regularly, but once you find what works for your household, your days will feel much smoother.
And if you're a mum, or you know a mum trying her best to juggle everything - check out our Mothers Day Gift Idea's. Reward yourself or the hard working mama you know in your life.