Years ago when I left the retail industry, I promised never to return. Fast forward to 2024 and here I am, opening my very own retail store. Although this was never in the plans for Waiapu Road, it came together effortlessly like it was meant to be.
In April we lost our pāpā, so I decided to redirect my energy into business, because it was healing. I didn’t consider the growth that the past 6 months would bring. Opening a store at this time would not be possible without the growth of our team. We now have 7 staff members and will rotate shifts at the store.
The success of Waiapu Road as an exclusively online business for the past 4 years has kept me busy. Although from time to time, I had pictured what a retail store would look like for Waiapu Road, plans to open one were never really a forward thought.
Here in Heretaunga there is a beautiful cluster of businesses in a new area called the Tribune. I have always loved this space and joked with my husband that if I were to ever open a Waiapu Road store, it would only be at the Tribune. The businesses in this area are all upbeat, modern, and chic, so when I saw there was a retail store for lease, I enquired straight away. Knowing a store this elegant wouldn’t be on the market very long, I didn’t want to miss out on the opportunity to at least have the conversation. I sent a message on Wednesday and met with the landlords on Thursday to hui. They loved Waiapu Road and offered me the lease later that day.
All my financial decisions are run past my accountant. I made contact for his advice on signing into a lease. I wanted to be sure this was a good decision for Waiapu Road. My next point of contact was my business mentor. She provided her whakaaro on this venture and once I got the OK from them both, I signed the lease!
I’m going into this new chapter of our journey with an open mind, and positivity and I'm so excited! This serves as an opportunity to connect with our Waiapu Road customers. It’s another step outside of my comfort zone providing new possibilities. It is a way to test our growth and mold our business model.
We will be opening our store to the public very soon & can’t wait to share our new space with you all.
Nāku iti nei,